Bathing songs are practiced in households. Periyalwar’s song of Neeraadal is recited when performing bathing to idols at home along with recitation of Purusha Sooktha. However, in temples, Tirumanjana Kattiyams have also become a practice. There are kattiyams for different deities of temples like Kanchipura, Madurantaka, Tirupati, Tiruvallikeni, Srirangam. Tirumanjana Kattiyams are also composed for… Continue reading Tirumanjana Kattiyams
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Philosophy of Vishishtadvaita
Vishishtadvaita is a combination of two words. Vishishta meaning Special & Advaita meaning non-dual. Ramanujacharya is considered the proponent of this system of philosophy. Basically, the entire matter in universe can be segregated as Chit+achit+Isvara. Chit meaning living being, achit meaning non-living beings and Iswara meaning the creator of both living and non-living matter. The… Continue reading Philosophy of Vishishtadvaita
Velukkudi Krishnan
My mom used to listen to swamy’s lectures during Marghahi (December) month on Podhigai television channel and due to the advertisement that followed, she used to take to listen to the lectures. That is how I got addicted to listening his lectures. I am a travel bug. So when swamy announced the very first Sri… Continue reading Velukkudi Krishnan
PArvana Shradhdha Proayogam Srivaishnavam
Tenkalai-vadagali It is a bounden duty of a brahmin male to perform periodical rites for his dead parents. In case the brahmin male is a bachelor or widower, then he has to perform sankalpa shraddham, because for performing rites before a sacred fire, one need to be married with a living wife. This type of… Continue reading PArvana Shradhdha Proayogam Srivaishnavam